A blog in the life

...but maybe more like a life in the blog if I keep on posting loads.

Friday, September 29, 2006


Finally! After years of hardly daring to dream that this moment should actually be, for fear of bitter disappointment, delusion or whatnot, It Actually Happened! Well in fact It Actually Happened on Sunday but I haven't remembered to post it until now so shhhh just go with what I'm writing.

Anyway, I've always appreciated musicals and how the people in them just break into chorus and synchronised dance without the slightest hint of premeditation. I've also said to a few people (Jenny, I think, and some others too...?) that I wish life were like that and people would start spontaneous song and dance just when walking down the street or at school or something. Lol! Just think of the communal harmony that would be spread by such unifying acts of happiness: Labour government, I propose you incorporate this into your Londone (or whatever it is) campaign! Anyhoo, I hadn't had the though for ages as it had gone down the drain of increasing maturity with some of my other childish dreams (like there actually being fairies that you can catch changing your teeth for money etc.). But then on Sunday the improbable occurred and fantastico musical was my life! I had been skim-reading a thing in the newspaper about Andrew Lloyd Webber not wanting the lady who won the 'A Problem Like Maria' show to sing every night as it might ruin her voice, or something like that. I came away from the paper humming 'The Sound of Music', as it is one of those songs which is ingrained in my being and so surfaces with only the slightest provocation, and by the time I was up stairs the humming has progressed to singing, which soon grew to a full-belted caterwauling. Rosie and Matthew did their 'double-twin-attack' thing, jumping on me in desparation to make the noise stop and smothering me with fleece dressing-gowns, their own bodies: anything to try and end my song. Needless to say the power of the music won through and I was left dishevelled yet still melodious in my room. I carried on singing just to try and annoy the miniature ones even more, but to my surprise (or not - mum's always warbling something) mum joined in with the song. I just though that this would annoy the twins which made me happy, but then they joined in too! There was no dance, but we were a chorus nevertheless! Woot woot. So after many years of idle dream I finally achieved a sing-along thing, despite it being really weird and involving physical attack - wahey!

That's all for now xxx

p.s. In my defence for this post I'm really bored atm! Where is everyone??


At 12:11 pm, Blogger laura, em n em said...

well me anyway. but i am the best one so be overjoyed at my appearance on the screen in front of you. oh dear im in a strange mood. i think i need a carrot

love em x

At 8:52 am, Blogger jam rock said...

To Ronan: do you think jam has time for such things?

How bout nooooo!

Too busy trying to work out if I'm a viscous liquid, a sloppy solid, or in fact just some jelly. *Shakes self*.


See, too busy!


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